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Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

The Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship is a global competition that tests students’ skills in Microsoft Office Word, Excel®, and PowerPoint® (2016 or 2019). Top students are invited to represent their respective countries at the World Championship. 

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Deep IT & Educational Consultancy | Deep Computer Institute being a leading partner of Microsoft, Sankalp World Championships and Certiport in Nepal, organize and conduct the Reginal and Nepal Round of Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship. Students from over 130+ countries are a part of this global championship event representing their respective countries. Since its inception in 2002, Microsoft Office Specialist World Championships has now emerged as the largest and single most popular technology skills competition in the world.

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

The top students will be invited at National Finals and Nepal Champions will then get a lifetime opportunity to be a part of the Nepal Team and proudly represent their school, city, and the country at Microsoft Office Specialist World Championship to be held in the USA.

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Our Championships Team of regional and national operations will be contacting you shortly. Meanwhile, should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us on 061-550521 & 9856025421 between 8 AM – 7 PM, or contact our contact details.

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

We look forward to having you and your student(s) to represent you, your school, region, and Nepal at the World Championship at the USA.

Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) World Championship attracts:

• More than 400,000 unique candidates
• From 130 countries

Levels of the Competition:

• Regional Round
• National Round-Top 150 selected students
• International round-Toppers at National level


• Microsoft Credential as an Office Specialist once you clear the exam
• Co-branded Certificate of Participation
• Certificates, Awards and Cash Prizes at Regional and National Level Toppers
• National Winners get an all-expense-paid trip to represent India in the World Championship
• Opportunity to interact and network with students from other schools, regions, and countries
• Cash prize up to $7500* as prize money for the World Champion


• Microsoft Word 2016
• Microsoft Word 2019
• Microsoft Excel 2016
• Microsoft Excel 2019
• Microsoft Powerpoint 2016
• Microsoft Powerpoint 2019

Sample Certificate 

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

       Some Images  

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal
Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal

Microsoft Office World Championship-Nepal