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CTEVT notice for registration form fill-up for TSLC and Diploma level courses

CTEVT notifies its affiliated, constituent and community institutions that run the Diploma/Certificate level and TECS programs to send the filled-up registration forms of the students who have passed the entrance examinations of the Diploma and TSLC level examinaitns respectively by CTEVT,  to the Council by paying the mentioned fees for the respective programs.
Notice for TSLC level registration:
Deadline for registration form submission: 
Towards regular fees for students: 2074/07/15 to 2074/08/05
Towards regular fees fro institution: till 2074-08-07
With double fees : 2074-08-06 to 2074-08-20

CTEVT notice for registration form fill-up for TSLC and Diploma level courses
Notice for Diploma level technical education registration:
Deadline for form submission:
With regular fees: 2074-08-05
With late fees: 2074-08-20
CTEVT notice for registration form fill-up for TSLC and Diploma level courses 
Sourse:- edusanjal