What is the most popular operating system?
Today, many different versions of Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile operating systems are available. So, what is the most popular operating system?

According to all of the StatCounter Global Stats reportsas of September 2017, Windows 7 is the most popular desktop computer operating system. However, if you also include all mobile devices Android is the most popular operating system globally.
Most popular operating system based off computer
If you were to break up the different types of computers into categories, the most popular operating system for each category is as follows.
- Windows 7 is the most popular operating system for desktop and laptopcomputers.
- Android is the most popular smartphone operating system.
- iOS is the most popular tablet operating system.
- Variants of Linux are most widely used in the Internet of things and smart devices.
- Other variants of Linux are the most popular operating system on other web servers and supercomputers.
StatCounter Global Stats
